Q. |
How can I edit or cancel my Auction Listing? |
A. |
If an item for Auction has no bids placed, then it can be removed.
A seller can close their current auction with no bids by:
This page will display all of the items you are currently selling on the auction and beside each listing will be an icon indicating edit and/or delete.
You can only delete an item if it has not received any bids.
If an item has received a bid then the advertisement cannot be removed and the seller is under obligation to supply the goods as described. In these circumstances the seller needs to abide by the Terms and Conditions that governs the site.
Once bids have been placed on a listing, the seller is only able to ADD to the description.
To add to the description:
You will not be able to remove information or alter the image in any way, however you are able to add more information. This information will be displayed as an addition underneath the original description. |